Operation Jungle Strife 2


Operation Jungle Strife 2

10.08.2024 11:00 - 10.08.2024 19:00
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Phone: +358401497111
Categories: Milsim


It's Vietnam time again! Operation Jungle Strife (2) is a one-day airsoft milsim game set in the Vietnam War, where both sides complete assigned missions while fighting for control of a province. The game is set in 1969 in a fictional part of Khe Sanh province called "Đi săn trên hồ". An article about the game will also be published on Linnasoft's website!

Changes will be announced on discord channels mentioned below + here

Discussion: https://discord.com/invite/r2jzb63  (Airsoft Finland) & https://discord.gg/vrZgqcRqAb  (Vietnam Airsoft).

10.7. Change of rules regarding weaponry (only VC/PAVN). Check requirements from "Weapons (VC & PAVN):"

29.7. "Arrival & Schedule" updated.

Due to weather forecast, parking has been moved to new position (
picture). New address is Louhostie 30, 35220 (on the right side of the road). Pre-game briefing at Camp Quarry (bring your equipment and gear to the camp).

8.8. (19:25 update regarding parking (once again). Louhostie 30 parking will be undone and parking plan will be reverted to earlier address (Eräpyhäntie 196). Guidance provided onsite. Check in and pre-game briefing is Still held at Camp Quarry.

Huom. Tämä on englanniksi kirjoitettu versio peli-ilmoituksestasta niille jotka eivät suomea suolla. Mikäli haluat lukea infot suomeksi, klikkaa kielivalintaa kuulaportin oikeasta yläkulmasta! If you'd like to read this game info in finnish, change the language by clicking the flag on the upper right corner of the site (mobile users need to login to see language options).

"Somewhere in the province of Khe Sanh there is a small and lonely village known by the locals as Mỏ Đá. Around the beginning of 1969, the place has since been known as "Camp Quarry" after the US Army established a base there. The northern area of the province is strongly held by the communists. Assisted by the difficult terrain, heavy underbush and the hills, PAVN has had a clear advantage until now. However, the escalated ground operations and aerial bombardments by the US have affected the forces in the north and PAVN has had to change its strategies and scale down its logistical operations on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Thanks to the terrain changes caused by the bombings and effective intel provided by ground teams, the american stranglehold on the province remains strong. Rumors however circulate that Chinese support in terms of men and equipment are arriving, bringing hope to the forces of the North. The war is not over yet."

What's new?

Jungle Strife 2 has some new things to offer when compared to the earlier game:

  • Optimized PAVN and Vietcong respawn points and base locations in order to reduce physical exhaustion and strain cause by big area and uneven terrain
  • Facelift for the US Camp Quarry. More buildings and cover. New game mechanic building "Armory/Depot"
  • New missions for all factions

There will be three factions in the game: US ARMY, SOG and PAVN/VC. Each one's style of play is slightly different.

US ARMY operates from its own base (Camp Quarry) and performs e.g. patrolling, combat missions, EOD/mine clearing and photo-ops for morale. Also responsible for maintaining Camp Quarry's defenses. Supports SOG on missions when necessary and repels local VC fighters.
SOG carries out reconnaissance, sabotage and destruction tasks in a wide area. As a faction, SOG is the most Milsim-spirited and the most challenging (min age K18).
PAVN/VC is a mobile faction (yes they do have base as well) that strives to act as a strong counterpart, preventing the activities of "South" in the area and performing their own tasks related to the areas infrastructure and defense. In addition, both PAVN and VC aim to have special tasks, so that the whole game wont be just shoot & scoot (for example transportation, booby trapping, assasination and infiltration).

Game area

The game area is a privately owned approx. 30 hectare forest area in Eräjärvi (located in Orivesi province). Areas main feature is the ridge in the middle and rich forest which give plenty of space to manouver even with bigger player count. You can find the preliminary boundaries of the game area and some pictures here.

General information

 - The game uses traps and mines and other props built for the theme.
 - The event is not meant to be a free for all deathmatch frag hunt but a milsim themed event with special rules in which performing missions and achieving objectives is the main key (while of course enjoying the Vietnam theme)
 - The medical and wounding rules are different than usual.
 - The game is designed to work even with a small number of players
 -  Game fee 20€/person. Payment by wire transfer. Due date 15 days after registration. If you are paying the game fee of another person or more than one person, please write their names in the message field when performing wire transfer (for example): "JS2 John Doe and Jane Doe".

Bank account number: FI88 5680 0020 2375 47

Recipient: Linnasoft Ry

Put your own name in to the message field when paying by wire transfer

If you have trouble paying with wire transfer or want to pay by cash on-site, you can inform us by sending mail: yhdistys@linnasoft.fi

Arrival & Schedule

Game day: 10.8.2024 (Saturday)

Arrival and registration 09:00-11:00 (briefing for all immediately at 11:00 o'clock, held at Camp Quarry)

Starting time (game on) 12:00

End time: 19:00-20:00

Parking area: Eräpyhäntie 196 (Orivesi)

The factions move to their starting places from the Camp Quarry (Louhostie 30, 35220). Bring all the necessary equipment to the bases. If you want to go to the parking lot during the game, contact the game management as it is is out-of-bounds. Game is played non-stop meaning there are no separate meal breaks in the game and each player is responsible for his own eating and well-being. Water refills can be found at the bases of both factions (WC at camp quarry).

It is possible to stay overnight in the game area (Camp Quarry) on the Friday before the game (August 9) if you want to arrive well in advance. Bring your own tent! You can also spend the night after the game in the same place.

For staying overnight: a grill can be found at Camp Quarry (hut). Camp Quarry also has WC, water refilling station and trash bin. You can swim in Camp quarrys old quarry (though water might be somewhat cold). A 7km drive away is the Eräjärvi Sale where you can buy groceries.

Equpment and clothing

PAVN, VC and US Army equipment limits are relatively loose so that even newcomers for vietnam-airsoft can join with relative ease! Below are some accurate examples and the so-called the minimum recommendations that it is recommended to aim for because this is a milsim scenario game set in specific theme and decade. Thank you for understanding!

Do you want to join but dont have right gear/clothing? Try asking around from the discord channels (mentioned above) for loan gear (organizers are able to provide couple sets of loan gear for US and PAVN/VC). Any other questions regarding equipment can be also forwarded to the organizers: yhdistys@linnasoft.fi


MINIMUM recommendations for clothing:

  • Khaki/green collared shirt and trousers. No bright modern clothes and no big brand logos (or cover if possible). No overly modern outdoor clothing.
  • Preferably shoes that are suitable for difficult (and possibly even wet) terrain. NO SNEAKERS
  • As a headgear, a soft boonie hat, a pith helmet or a Soviet steel helmet
  • As a carrier, green or khaki chestrig fit with the year or older carrier (mag pouches on trouser belt, for example).

Correct recommended example:
- Khaki/light greenish collared shirt and trousers, chicom chestrig, jungle helmet (pith helmet) with camouflage net


MINIMUM recommendations for clothing:

  • For clothes, a pajama-style black/dark blue suit or suitable civilian clothes of a poor country from the 60s and 70s. No bright modern clothes and no big brands. Preferably no modern outdoor clothing.
  • Preferably shoes that are suitable for difficult (and possibly even wet) terrain. NO SNEAKERS
  • For headgear, a straw hat, a soft boonie style hat
  • You can put a scarf on your neck or head.
  • As a carrier, green or khaki modern or older carrier (pouches can be attached to trouser belt, for example).

Correct recommended example:
- black suit or dark blue suit, boonie, rice hat, scarf (Google image search also helps)

Weapons (VC & PAVN):

10.7. Change of rules regarding weaponry (only VC/PAVN):

Non-period appropriate weapons and more modern weapons are allowed under the following conditions:
Rails must be detached or COMPLETELY covered with camouflage if removal is not possible (e.g. jute cloth, rag, etc.).
NO optics (red dot, holo, binoculars). No tactical grips, lamps, etc.
In general, the weapon must be well camouflaged and concealed

If you have any questions, you can send a message to the organizers or send an email to linnasoft: yhdistys@linnasoft.fi

Weapons from the Vietnam War, ww2 and older. American weapons are OK!

US army

MINIMUM recommendations for clothing:

  • The olive drab field fatigues is a must. As a minimum, an olive green T-shirt and trousers with thigh pockets. No tactical modern combat shirts. Velcro can be hidden
  • Preferably dark-colored shoes that are suitable for difficult (and possibly even wet) terrain. NO SNEAKERS
  • Green harness is used. All camo-pattern rigs, black rigs and vests etc. are prohibited. NO MODERN mollerigs/vests either. A combat belt equipped with alice pouches is sufficient, otherwise a harness is also required. Alice rig (LC1 or LC2) is an acceptable.
  • Headgear: M1 model helmet, either bare or with Mitchell/Tigerstripe terrain fabric. Boonie hat in green or with a contemporary terrain pattern. Green US model field cap "field cap". Headwear is necessity as bare head is bad in "jungle" and excellent target to aim at.

Correct recommended example:
- Olive drab uniform
- M1 helmet (Mitchell fabric). M56 harness


Correct recommended example:
- In addition to the OD uniform, uniforms with camo patterns (tiger stripe, ERDL, etc.) match the theme. Harness, backpack. Boonie, scarf, or beret

Weapons (US & SOG):

Weapons from the Vietnam War. No tactical rails, tactical sights, etc. and no scopes unless you are a sniper with a sniper rifle (XM21, M40). As an exception, the XM21/M14 binocular mount is accepted as a rail version. If the weapon has a tactical rail that the player cannot easily remove, he can cover it by camouflaging it.


The game uses Linnasoft RYs' rules with small vietnam extras (below). The rules can be found here (not in english, so use translator): http://www.linnasoft.fi/pelisaannot/

-All players must have and carry orange (or close similar) piece of cloth/scarf with them to indicate they're out of the game in case they're moving to back to respawn from elimination etc. Player who displays the cloth and moves is COMPLETELY OUT OF THE GAME and cannot interact with "alive" players. Shooting them is useless.

-Flak jacket (US) protects against "indirect fire": the player is wounded instead of completely eliminated if hit by artillery shrapnel

-Mines: When stepping on a mine/trap, the player is wounded in the leg. The leg is tied by supporting it with a long stick over the knee, which causes problems in moving and bending the leg and thus simulates the inability to walk. After binding, the player can continue playing. However, in order for the leg to be repaired, the player must go to a field hospital (at the bases of the factions) from where he can "fix his leg" and respawn in a functional state. Healing (respawning) from a leg injury is faster than standard respawn .

-Traps: injure the player (same applies to mines) and player who has already been tied once is eliminated. Player can heal completely at the base field hospital (remove bandages).

-Bombs/traps/mines can (and should) be made harmless. If defused, it is encouraged to bring said explosive back to base for more thorough investigation + potential bonuses

- Smokes and other pyrotechnical devices are provided by the game management if the weather permits. Use of your own is prohibited!

Medical & respawn

Faction specific. More detailed information will be briefed to the parties separately.

This event has already ended.

User details Faction Country Team


PAVN / Vietcong






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