Kakskerran lauantaipelit

Kakskerran lauantaipelit
16.03.2024 10:30 - 16.03.2024 15:00
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Website: https://www.turkusoft.fi/
Turku Airsoft ry

Categories: Casual games
Games will be held, if minimum of 10 players have registered by the previous evening. (19:00 / 7pm).
Those who have paid annual fee can join via Suomisport calendar.
If you are using Airsoftr platform you can gain your XP and join to event from here: AirsoftR event site.
Frost limit -15c
Weather forecast will be checked previous day at 19:00.
Games will follow Turku Airsoft ry ruleset, which can be found here: https://www.turkusoft.fi/saannot/
Payments will be handled on-site. Accepted means of payment are bank card, MobilePay, RY game card or even amount of cash.
In short:
- Max 50 players.
- Turkusoft ruleset.
- Price is 5€ for guests, 0€ for those who have paid annual fee.
- Bio BBs only.
- Sign up in advance!
10:30 Area opens.
11:00 First game begins!
15:00 Games are over.
This event has been canceled.
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