Conquest 19

Conquest 19

Conquest 19 will be held in the Vihtijärvi game area. The diversity of the area, the buildings and the road enable a varied gaming experience.
In the event, the factions will seize and hold Ehasa’s electronic capture points. In addition, the factions will have different tasks during the event. Tasks and ticket points are visible in the Ehasa status system.
14.10.2022 On site payments only
As there's only one day left to the event we've disabled the advanced payment. This is because we don't have the means to check our bank account at the game area. You can still pay your ticket at the game area via card or cash.
12.9.2022 News
The common respawn area in the middle of the game area has been removed. Instead, the factions have their own Capture point areas, from which the factions players can spawn in half an hour intervals at xx:00 and xx:30. These area can also be captured by the opposing faction, in which case respawning from the area is prevented until the area is captured back to the original faction.
Task items found in the area must also be delivered to the area in question, from where the other faction can steal them if necessary.
- 2 Factions, both have their own base.
- We'll limit the amount of machine guns and dmr-rifles as one per team.
- We will increase player numbers as long as all factions are almost even. We will inform in FB/Discord when more tickets are available. There will be only one ingame-car from "Raja" team. Their vehicle can be captured to your own faction. Read more from rules. Players can bring their ATVs still.
- Private faction discord channels in Ehasa Discord server (Invate link: ).
To get in the faction private channel you need to do one of these things:- Add your discord account name to your kuulaportti account info hear in kuulaportti
- Add your discord account name to your kuulaportti event ticket info (there will be additional row for it)
- Make message in Ehasa Discord. Check "#ehasa_ry_info" and "#closed_faction_channel_applications" channels for more info.
This event has already ended.
User details | Faction | Country | Team |