Pako Kakskerrasta

Pako Kakskerrasta

Welcome to Kakskerta!
Year is 2031! During last 10 years or so, extreme weather has became a common occurence. Hot summers, cold winters and more storms have caused problems. Food and other resources are scarce, and society is at test. In some areas order has collapsed, and has been replaced with chaos. Areas that are still stable are trying to isolate themselves to protect remains of sivilization. Between order and chaos lives corruption, and people are trying to take advantage of the situation.
As a player, you find yourself at remains of collapsed society. Your task is to survive, perharps even to break through the border and get back to safe, orderly society.
What does this mean?
Pako Kakskerrasta (Escape from Kakskerta) is an experimental scenario, which aims to adapt Escape from Tarkov to an airsoft scenario. Player steps into free-for-all situation either alone or with a friend, and goal is to gather resources, complete tasks, upgrade their gear and survive on ruins of collapsed society. Do you want to bring down other players, try to talk youself forward or betray your friend? Everything is possible.
Price is 10e for Turkusoft members and 15e for non-members.
15 PMC players need sign up before 4.10. If this amount isn't fulfilled, event will be cancelled.
We are also in need for extra hands as local rogues and for other help. If you are interested, contact
Details & Gear limitations
Scenario uses Turkusoft ruleset, which is adapted to fit the scenario.
- Remove any attachments, as sights, grips and such from your gun beforehand. Player begins with barebones-weapon.
- Take those attachmets with you, they can be earned/unlocked for use during the scenario.
- Scenario has magazine limits. Player begins with 2 mags, again more can be unlocked during the scenario.
- Magazines limited to low-/midcaps only. Highcaps, box/drum mags and alike are forbidden.
- Max 3 persons per team. Teams are registered on-site.
- You also need a bag / backbag of some sort for that precious loot.
- For players, allowed weapon types are assault rifles/bolt actions/shotguns/pistols.
Questions can be asked on Turkusoft Discord, on scenario-specific channel!
- 9:00 - Registration opens
- 10:30 - Game-info
- 11:00 - First game begins!
- 12:00 - Second game begins!
- Games at even hours.
- 16:00 - Last game begins.
- 17:00 - Scenario over, all players head home.
This event has already ended.
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